domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013


Kids Art lesson ideas

Mothers Are Awesome: what if child drew portrait of himself and mom as animals? Mother's Day project!!!!!!!
Art ♥
Yarn + pipe cleaners! Use up all the post-weaving yarn scraps. How about your name, heart, or first initial?
Great for Wayne Thiebaud lesson. This is glue on dark paper for the outline, then oil pastel. Gorgeous!
Chuck Close self-portraits using fingerprints
chuck close fingerprint portraits with painted background
neon elephant.
What will you wexel? Lets try a rainbow zebra, try this out wit your kids and tell us how it turns out
Coloring page that could easily be turned into an art lesson
Watercolor over line art ~Smith Middle School, Miss Murphy
Nice collaborative color wheel project. Students can work on this when they finish a project before other classmates.
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Grandes compositores:

He desarrollado descubrimientos interesantes en la red uno de ellos nos habla sobre algunas de las mujeres compositoras que la historia no h...